Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Are You Terrified of Being Naked

Are You Terrified of Being Naked
Are You Terrified of Being NakedAre you shy when you're naked?

Can you not stand the sight of your own body? Have your children every seen you naked? Do you run from the bathroom and hide? I've seen this play out. Yet, it doesn't have to be this way for you any more.

There is a simple technique which you can apply today to start feeling better about yourself and your body.

What's the technique?

It's EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping).

Being un-self conscious when your naked is attractive and sexy. Yet that doesn't help you in the slightest doesn it. No matter how you feel or why you feel shy when you're naked or even just thinking about being naked.

Emotional Freedom Techniques can and will help you.

You don't need to become an extroverted celebrity but if you feel anxiour or afraid of getting undressed in front of anybody especially your significant other EFT can help you. You can start as easily as:

Even though I feel anxious about getting undressed when X is in the same room as me. I'm choosing to accept my and myself just the way I am.

Even though I hate getting changed in a public changing room. It makes me feel really uncomfortable. I'm willing for this to change.

Being relaxed in your own skin is very attractive and sexy regardless of your appearance. Confidence is always attractive.

Even though I do not feel confident naked. I deeply and completely accept myself.


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