In the Book of Genesis, God made Adam and Eve, just like any other animal - Naked. That nudity was beautiful and pure. Neither Adam nor Eve was aware of being Naked. It was only when, the serpent tempted them to have the Forbidden Fruit, they were aware of being Naked and started covering them up with fig leaves. Let's not go into the speculation of this story being true or not. Whether one believes in Evolution or Creation, the Adam and Eve story does prove that Nudity is what you perceive it to be. Nudity has two sides of the coin - while most say its obscene, few do say it is not. Nudity is defined as the state of wearing no clothing. Presently, most cultures do not accept public nudity.
When a child is born, he is born naked and he isn't ashamed of it. It is only when people around him (often parents), tell them that he is naked and he needs to cover up, the child is conscious of it. He is ashamed of his own body. The child is born pure, and to him all things are pure. He has not been introduced to the concept of obscenity, yet. The world injects things in his mind, and he starts believing them. As photographer, Paul Outer Bridge, Jr says, "Nudity is a state of fact; lewdity, to coin a phrase, is a state of mind."
When a child is born, he is born naked and he isn't ashamed of it. It is only when people around him (often parents), tell them that he is naked and he needs to cover up, the child is conscious of it. He is ashamed of his own body. The child is born pure, and to him all things are pure. He has not been introduced to the concept of obscenity, yet. The world injects things in his mind, and he starts believing them. As photographer, Paul Outer Bridge, Jr says, "Nudity is a state of fact; lewdity, to coin a phrase, is a state of mind."
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